skylanders: swap force

Skylanders Wash Buckler Figure

Skylanders Wash Buckler Figure

Skylanders Wash Buckler Figure

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About Wash Buckler:

Wash Buckler is a member of Skylanders: Swap Force. Wash Buckler is an orphan mermasquid, who joined the pirates on the high seas. Wash didn’t like plundering and pillaging, and Wash convinced his crew to be a different sort of pirate. Other pirate ships didn’t like Wash and would attack Wash Buckler and his crew at every opportunity. But Wash fought them off at every opportunity. It’s these brave struggles that caught the attention of Master Eon, who offered Wash the chance to join the Skylanders.
Wash, as his name suggests, belongs to the element of water. More info about Wash’s history and stats will come available when the figure is released in the Fall. You can pre-order the game now.

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Skylanders Blast Zone Figure

Skylanders Blast Zone Figure

Skylanders Blast Zone Figure

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About Blast Zone:

Blast Zone makes his first appearance in Skylanders: Swap Force.
Blast Zone is a furnace knight and member of the Skylands Bomb Squad. He has safely defused thousands of bombs and explosives made by the trolls. The trolls, tired of Blast Zone thwarting their plans by defusing their bombs, decided to throw 100 of their bombs down Blast Zone’s chimney.
Blast Zone, thinking quickly, swallowed all 100 bombs and then belched a jet of fire at his attackers. This act of skill and bravery caught the attention of Master Eon, who recruited him into joining the Skylanders.

Blast Zone belongs to the element of Fire, along with characters like Eruptor and Flameslinger. When the game comes out we will know more about Blast Zone’s history and stats.

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