Skylanders Spyro's Adventure

Skylanders Whirlwind Figure

Skylanders Whirlwind Figure

Skylanders Whirlwind Figure

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About Whirlwind:

skylanders whirlwind figure
Whirlwind is an interesting creature, a hybrid of both a dragon and a unicorn. She is talented with the element of air and can be found in Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure. Whirlwind is both brave and graceful, though her moods are as unpredictable as the weather. Her ancestors, unicorns and dragons, are very opposite of each other, so she always had a hard time fitting in with either group. The dragons envied her beauty but made fun of her horn, and the unicorns shunned her for her wings and ability to fly.

She has a pure heart, though, and has never held a grudge against the dragons and unicorns. To find comfort, Whirl Wind sought peace up in the storm clouds. Here, she was able to learn to harness her immense power. Her talents came in handy when a group of terrible trolls started hunting the dragons and unicorns for their tails and scales. Whirl Wind was the first to defend against the attack, sending trolls away with her powers that could be seen up above all across the Skylands. After being recruited for the Skylanders team, Whirlwind has tried to control her temper.

Whirlwind’s Stats

Critical Hit50100
Elemental Power25100

Other Whirlwind Figures:

Whirlwind also has a counterpart known as Polar Whirlwind.

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Skylanders Wham Shell Figure

Skylanders Wham Shell Figure

Skylanders Wham Shell Figure

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About Wham Shell:

Wham Shell is a strong crustacean creature from Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure. He is very talented with the element of water. Wham Shell is the son of King Roland, the leader and ruler of a thriving and peaceful underwater city. Some say Wham Shell is spoiled because he is used to always getting what he wants, but others say he keeps his mind together and is level-headed. The bubbling city lived as normal for a very long time until an unexpected disaster struck. Greedy trolls started drilling in the area looking for oil, and then got the idea that they wanted the city, too! The trolls scattered some of the city’s people, but Wham Shell wasn’t about to let any more bad things happen. He used a powerful mace to defeat them, a special weapon that has been handed down for generations from one king to the next. Words of this triumph soon reached Master Eon. He immediately sent out an invitation to Wham Shell, who agreed to join the Skylanders. Wham shell works with the Skylanders to prevent things like the trolls’ horrible attack on his city from ever happening again.

Wham Shell’s Stats

Critical Hit3080
Elemental Power25100

Other Wham Shell Figures:

While there aren’t any other versions of Wham Shell, the figure does come in a multi-character pack with Camo and Warnado:

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